Nicholas D'Agostino (CT State Colleges and Universites-CSCU)
Kailie Gulino-Farnum (CT Dept. of Social Services)
Sheila Antonacci (CT State Colleges and Universities-CSCU)
Corresponding Secretary
Lawanda Scott (CT Technical Education and Career System-CTECS)
Recording Secretary
Eric Smith (CT Dept. of Transportation)
Officers At Large
Penny Potter (CT Dept. of Revenue Services)
Michelle Beeckman (CT Dept. of Mental Health & Addiction Svcs.)
Carolyn Kozak (CT Office of Policy & Mgmt.)
Jennifer Burke (CT Dept. of Children & Families)
Michelle Beeckman (CT Dept. of Mental Health & Addiction Svcs.)
Carolyn Kozak (CT Office of Policy & Mgmt.)
Jennifer Burke (CT Dept. of Children & Families)